Thursday, August 30, 2012

I Really Didn't Need Another Blog....

...but what I do need is a place to post my artwork and photos.
I have not yet mastered the art of using my own head to draw -- just my own hand. So many of these are my rendition of art work on greeting cards or book illustrations.

I am posting the oldest artwork first, so that eventually I will be posting my very latest pieces as I finish them.  This is so much fun - to see how far I have come since I began just a few years ago!

I have discovered that pencil, Prismacolor pencils and micro-fine black ink pens are my most favorite medium.

Any photos I post (because that, too, is a form of art!) are my originals.
You will get to my photos by clicking on the sidebar link: Kaybee's Photos

So here goes:

 My very first drawing, after 60 years!

 And a not-too-shabby attempt at watercolors.
It was my one and only attempt, but I may try again, one day

First attempt at a cat, from a greeting card

From a book cover

From an art book

My sister, ChrisJ's cat - from one of her photos

A snowy day on Chapel Street, Flamborough Village, Yorkshire - in the 1800s

(keep going north on this street and you will come to the house where we lived when I was but a child)

From a postcard

(Looks like blogger is limiting the number of pictures I can post at one sitting - so I will save the rest for another time.


Anonymous said...

I was surprised and pleased to see your artwork.

kaybee said...

Nice to see you here, Abe! I am surprised that you found me, as I haven't really made this blog public yet. I am having awful problems posting photos to blogger, and can't find the reason. Ah, well, I will persevere!